Christmas Party 2018!

You and your spouse are cordially invited to our raucous Christmas party, December 13th at 6:30. Katherine Owens is hosting us and kindly requests RSVP ASAP so she can start the prep. She will be serving beef tenderloin and a wild rice & green bean side. She suggests green salad, rolls, 2 desserts! (a girl after my own heart), apps, and rolls. Keep in mind when you sign up there will be approximately 60% more folks there than usual.


Also a quick reminder on our annual tradition  -bring an unwrapped booked to throw in the pot for what is always a rousing round of Dirty Santa!


Please let a comment below to let us know if you can come and what you will bring.

12 comments on “Christmas Party 2018!

  1. Ann Dielen says:

    My husband and I will be there and we will bring wine and dessert. Looking forward to it. Ann

  2. hallk2013 says:

    Thx for hosting Katherine! Love this book club tradition! Steve and I will be there. I will bring red wine & spinach & feta app. Kim H.

  3. bonkrs2 says:

    I will bring a butternut squash side and red wine. Katherine, thanks so much for hosting!

  4. June says:

    Thank you Katherine for hosting. I will bring an artichoke dip appetizer and wine.

  5. Shirley Hankins says:

    Don and I are looking forward to the merriment.
    I will bring an appetizer and wine.

  6. Donna Christie says:

    Chris and I will be there. I will bring a Broccoli and Cranberry Salad. Thank you Katherine for hosting!

  7. M Kim Oh says:

    Katherine, thanks for hosting the Christmas party. Shin and I will be there. I will bring chestnut-bacon app. & wine. Kim O

  8. Caroline says:

    I will be there solo with a dessert. Thx!

  9. Melissa Stewart says:

    Jimmy and I will be there. We’ll bring rolls, an appetizer, spiced cider and apple brown betty moonshine.

  10. Fran Hopkins says:

    Sorry I’m late responding! I will be there and bring an appetizer. Look forward to the party!

  11. Lissy Frese says:

    Bobby and. I areciming!

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